So in the Super 14 final, thanks God I hadn't bet because the team I was cheering on lost...
The end of the match was pretty exciting (not the whole match though!) What can make the Crusaders not regretting their semi final is that they had lost against the future champion, i.e. the Bulls. Steve Walsh seems to be showing him the way to victory!

But the only final I was really focused on yesterday was the European Challenge final between Bath (England) and AS Montferrand (France). The (maybe) last final of the one and only Kiwi- Maori-Bleu, Tony Marsh, who suffered a little during the match (check his head) but who scored a great team-try!
Hopefully it wasn't ASM's last final of the season.
If I mention Montferrand here, it's of course for Tony but also for their coach Vern Cotter, who was in the Crusaders staff till last year (so this victory can be shared with the Canterbarian fans in the Southern Hemisphere...)

Donc hier en differe sur Canal+ Sport, on a pu suivre la finale du Super 14 entre les Bulls et les Sharks. La prochaine fois que j'annonce mon soutien a une equipe, prevenez les que la defaite leur sera assuree...
Desolee pour les futurs copains de Fred Michalak! mais meme l'arbitre semblait vouloir montrer le chemin de la victoire aux coequipiers du mecahnt Matfield!

Mais honnetement, la seule finale qui m'interessait hier, c'etait celle du Challenge Europeen (a 18h30 sur France4) entre Bath et l'ASM. Peut-etre la derniere finale de notre ami Tony? Tony qui a pas mal souffert hier (regardez son bandage) mais qui a conclu un essai superbement construit par son equipe!!!
Esperons que cette finale n'etait pas la derniere pour nos amis auvergnats...
Rappelons que le coach de l'ASM, Vern Cotter, etait jusqu'a la saison derniere dans les staff des Crusaders (on peut donc partager cette victoire avec nos amis d'outre hemisphere!)

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