Monday, April 23, 2007

TV3. Sports News. Another confirmation..."i stay in NZ"

Rugby: McCaw set to stay in NZ
Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:48am

Richie McCaw appears to be one of the few senior All Blacks likely to buck the trend and remain in New Zealand after the World Cup.

Though the All Black skipper is still weighing up his options, indications are he will stay put rather than chase the monumental sums offered by rich European Clubs.

The Crusaders now have a four point lead over the Blues at the top of the Super 14 standings with two rounds to go.

The Sharks lurk in third place, while the Bulls hold onto fourth.

I am really sorry to post another "I stay in NZ" article but apparently they are some journalists here who can't read English and don't check their sources (what I do -thank you very much to my special reporters round the globe...)

Sorry again, but I have to post it (we never know if one day, those journalists want to have a English-French version of the thing they are looking for. We are way better than them (and we aren't pay for it!)

Anyway, I hope I won't have to post another "I stay in NZ article".

PS: I'm glad Richie stays in NZ, because if this blog was about any player who leaves this year, I think I'd have stop updating it as a rugby blog and started an "e-bay" blog (who pays the most for my lovely player from NZ?)

PS 2: The new controversy: should have RMC put this jersey on?
Just kidding! This pic had to be online somewhere here...

Je suis desolee pour ce nouvel article sur la confirmation du non-depart du capitaine All Blacks vers l'Europe apres la CDM, mais certains journalistes ne verifiant pas leurs sources (ce qui n'est pas mon cas! et d'ailleurs MERCI a tous mes petits envoyes speciaux), je me devais de publier ce nouvel article.

Si les fameux journalistes faisaient de vraies recherches, ils seraient tombes sur ce site anglais-francais (meme pas besoin de se casser la tete a traduire, on leur mache tout le boulot et on n'est meme pas paye!)

Bref, j'espere que c'est le dernier article de ce genre que j'aurai a poster

PS: je suis assez contente que RMC reste en NZ parce que sinon le blog se serait transforme en "E-bay" : qui paie le plus pour mon joueur?

PS 2 : la vraie question existencielle du moment : RMC aurait-il vraiment du porter ce pull?
Une petite blague pour detendre l'atmosphere! Cette photo se devait d'apparaitre...

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