Rugby: Carter stars in Canadian mauling
Sun, 17 Jun 2007 9:11a.m.
All Black superstar Daniel Carter's staying modest despite his individual haul of 29 points in last night's 64 - 13 hammering of Canada in Hamilton.
The first five sparked a second half try fest, crossing the line three times as well as kicking seven conversions in his first game back from injury.
23-year-old John Schwalger also dotted in his first test for the All Blacks.
Despite the points margin the Canadians would have taken a lot out of last night's effort, and are approaching the World Cup with renewed confidence.
Watch the extended interview with Dan Carter following his standout performance.
All Black superstar Daniel Carter's staying modest despite his individual haul of 29 points in last night's 64 - 13 hammering of Canada in Hamilton.
The first five sparked a second half try fest, crossing the line three times as well as kicking seven conversions in his first game back from injury.
23-year-old John Schwalger also dotted in his first test for the All Blacks.
Despite the points margin the Canadians would have taken a lot out of last night's effort, and are approaching the World Cup with renewed confidence.
Watch the extended interview with Dan Carter following his standout performance.

Full All Black post-match press conference
Sun, 17 Jun 2007 1:16p.m.
Watch the full All Black press conference following their 64 - 13 demolition of Canada last night.
Watch the full All Black press conference following their 64 - 13 demolition of Canada last night.

In total objectivity, Canada was just better than France (I hate to say it but it's true!) I'm apologizing to the Kiwi people reading this blog (and other ABs fans), I was totally behind Canada! My parents couldn't believe when I claped and cheered on our "cousins" when they scored what would become their only try!
As I previously said somewhere, it's sad that a rugby match lasts two half times : if the match had ended just at 40 minutes, I'd have put one euro on Canada going further than first round at the WC ; now, I don't know, they still have 82 days to reach the "big nations" level (they aren't that far!)
Without worshipping Richie, it's obvious that his being on the field has brought some extra energy to his team-mates since when he came into the field the score was 13/33 and that the score almost doubled up to the rest of the match. Of course he is not the only one to be praised here, but it's just a comment...Check out the French expression in bold letters further in the article coz it expresses what I thought yesterday ;)
Next week, trip to Chill's country South Africa vs. New Zealand in Durban while Canada will play in Lissie's country...Good weekend for you girls!

En toute objectivite (et vous me connaissez maintenant!), le Canada a montre un meilleur profil que la France. Ils ont joue "Old School" -c'est mon expression du moment : ils n'ont pas fait tourne la balle pour faire tourner, ils ont reussi a avancer (meme s'ils ont souvent ete arretes!).
Hier j'etais pro-Canada (et ca en a etonne plus d'un a la maison...) leur essai est d'ailleurs la preuve du jeu "Old School" : cherche pas a comprendre, suis le ballon et s'il t'arrive dans les mains, cours aussi vite que tu peux jusqu'a l'en-but adverse! Et c'est pas mal fait 

Meme Mathieu Blin etait pro-canadien hier ; bon j'irai peut-etre mettre un euro sur les Canadiens en quart de la CDM -meme si leur groupe, c'est un peu le groupe de la mort.... Allez les gars, vous avez tout l'ete pour ne pas me faire mentir!!!
**Un seul etre vous manque et tout est depeuple!**
Notre chouchou est entre au cours de la deuxieme mi temps. Son equipe est alors passee de 33 a 64. Je ne dis pas que Richie est la seule personne a feliciter pour ca, mais quand meme, un match se joue sur des details. Et parfois, un homme est un detail sur un terrain de rugby!!!
La semaine prochaine, les All Blacks se rendent en Afrique du Sud ou ils joueront face aux Springboks a Durban ; pendant que nos cousins d'outre Atlantique joueront au pays des koalas ; bon weekend en perspective...
ps : un reportage est prevu sur Canal+ apres le match de samedi prochain (a 17h sur Canal+ et a 22h30 sur Canal+Sport) mais je n'ai lu/vu/... aucun detail. Je vais me renseigner (parce que s'il est aussi bon que le reportage de l'EquipeTV, ca vaut pas la peine...dsl!)
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