Izzy's Alert :
"The guys on More FM are going to be chatting to Richie & other people tomorrow (Friday) morning (our time), as it is their last show for the year - they will be on holiday next week, so combining a Xmas/end of year show.
They are going to be talking to him about 8.10am, or thereabouts. Hope you can tune in and hear what he has to say."
They are going to be talking to him about 8.10am, or thereabouts. Hope you can tune in and hear what he has to say."
If you go to this page, you'd have the whole schedule -including current Toulon play Andrew Mehrtens & PM Mrs. Clark (woaw!!!)http://canterbury.morefm.co.nz/BreakfastwithSiandGary/tabid/196/Default.aspx
And if you want to listen to the show, here is the direct link to MoreFM Canterbury
Friday 8.10am in NZ is 6.10am in Australia, Thursday 8.10pm (i.e. tonight) for Europe, 9.10pm for the UK and South Africa, 2.10pm on the East coast of the American continent.
--> if you want to correct my jet lag timetable, please do! Will try my best to be online tonight...
Have a nice day (morning people) & good night (nighty people)
- Si&Gary pic on their MoreFM page in the Gallery
- Richie, meeting with the other captains, Paris September 2007.
Ok Girls, I feel Sh*t but I cannot post in the chatter box down below. So, I'm posting here. Any chance for me to find this really popular fishing video amongst you with captain, Ali and others... on the internet, please? You know, you've been talking about it for a while and you make me wish to watch it. So, any chance? *Thanks Izzy, I'll do my best to listen to MoreFM show.
See you
Sorry, for this bad english.
Joyeux Noel et Bonne ANNEE.
-m- : the finshing show was not online when it was 1st broadcasted on tv3 & i don't think they'd change the online VOD.
it's available online for ppl in NZ -so you are not the only frustrated person about that....
be online tonight for the MoreFM interview!!!
& lastly : i don't know why you can't post on the chatterbox...
encore une fois : si tu ne te sens pas de poster en anglais, envoies moi un mail. Y'a aucun probleme...
passe une bonne journee!
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